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Theme based learning & Play way method

Optimum teacher pupil ratio 1:15

Take home activities to foster parent - child learning

Toddler Program

Age group 1 ½ year - 2 ½ years. 3 hour program (9.30 to 12.30 pm)

Children are naturally curious about their world and are eager to learn about it. They need to manipulate, explore, and experiment with real objects. Play is the work of children. The toddler learning is through active and engaging through sensory aspects. We focus on walking, climbing and some fun filled activity each day. Reinforcing the importance of verbal communication, speaking clearly and supporting the child's vocabulary in daily process. Their skills are integrated through puzzles, music, table toys, story time, picture cards, matching cards, size and shape discrimination, tracing objects, tracing shapes, sound box, identification of colours, counting, organized play etc.

Preschool program

Age group 2 ½ years - 3 ½ years. 3 hour program (9.30 to 12.30 pm)

This is an excellent time for young learner. Their days are filled with fun, excitement, discoveries, investigations and explorations. They learn to do puzzles, counting, matching, sorting, sequencing, colouring and painting through play in loving and caring environment. They develop their gross motor skills by playing in the sand pit by crawling, jumping, hoping, climbing, moving with music and fine motors skills by cutting, Pasting, bead arranging, threading etc.

Junior Kindergarten

Age group 3 ½ years - 4 ½ years. 5 hour program (9.30 to 3.00 pm)

Competence in language, reading, mathematics, science and technology is developed systematically. Teachers integrate subject knowledge into a variety of active techniques suitable to the developmental stages of the children. The child is introduced to one new theme every term.

English - Reading and writing lower and upper case letters of the alphabet | Maths - Writing numbers 1-25, Before, after and between numbers | Value Education | Social skills | Creative expression | Cognitive skills

June - December : 9.30 to 12.40 PM (3 Hours) | Jan - April : 9.30 to 3.00 PM (5 Hours)

Senior Kindergarten

Age group 4 ½ years - 5 ½ years. 5 hour program (9.30 to 3.00 pm)

Preparing children for the formal education like reading, writing and math readiness. Enhance social, language, cognitive, emotional, creative and aesthetic development. Play also gives them the opportunity to add knowledge, learn new skills and practice familiar ones. They learn to deal with their feelings, interact with children, adults and resolve conflicts. Children develop their imaginations, creativity and learn to solve problems. Child becomes more confident and independent.

English - Independent reading | creative writing | Mathematics - Writing numbers 1-100, Number names, place value, addition, subtraction |Tamil - Basics | Environmental Studies | Value Education | Celebration of festivals etc. The child is introduced to one new concept or theme every term.